Dorktales Storytime

Snow Time! The Jolly Holly Holiday Show

Jonathan Cormur, Kyle Elliot Season 4 Episode 80

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Are you ready for some festive fun? Follow Jack Frost, your easy-freezy emcee, for your VIP entrance into the Folktale Forest’s Jolly Holly Day celebrations. Experience the treasured tinsel traditions, winterberry bush wishes, and the happy folk with their hand-decorated parasols on parade. You have an all-access pass to this year’s Grand Feast for Mr. Redge’s quill-tingling speech, stories of gratitude and the most delicious holiday snacks. Then it’s off to your beds, where the Fairy of the Evening Star will send you to the land of dreams where you’ll relive this magical day!

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PARENTS, TEACHERS AND HOMESCHOOLERS: This original story celebrates traditions and fosters a sense of belonging and cultural appreciation. The characters’ camaraderie and inclusivity underscore the importance of empathy, cooperation and understanding. Additionally, the episode has an emphasis on gratitude, joy, a positive outlook and the sheer delight of shared celebrations.  (Aligns with CASEL Social and Emotional learning framework for self-awareness and relationship skills.)

IF YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY, you may also enjoy, episode 59, A Winter’s Tail, where Jack Frost makes his first appearance to show his Folktale Forest friends the many reasons for enjoying the winter season:

CREDITS: This episode has been a Jonincharacter production. Today’s story was written and produced by Molly Murphy. Special thanks to Kyle Elliot who voiced the character Jack Frost. All other characters were performed by Jonathan Cormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings.

Music in Jolly Holly Parasol Parade Scene: On Bourbon Street, Royalty free music by Giorgio Di Campo for FreeSound Music

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Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!

JONATHAN CORMUR: Hello Dork Squad. I'm Jonathan Cormur and you're listening to Dorktales Storytime, the podcast for kids and their pop culture-loving grown-ups, and this is one of our anything-is-possible lore stories.


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful day for a story, adventure and glory, new friends and old ones too. It's an excellent day to get swept away in a tail, so let us regale you.


The episode starts with the Jolly Holly Hedgehog instrumental. 


JACK FROST: Good evening hedgehogs and humans, boars and squirrels, and all the forest folk here in the land of Once Upon a Time! Are you ready for some festive fun? Good! Because it’s Snow Time! A Jolly Holly Holiday Special hosted by moi, Jack Frost, your easy freezy emcee! Join me as we head off on a wintery, wonderful ice-capade through our beloved Folktale Forest. 


Can you feel it? That chill in the air? Can you hear the jolly tunes? Can you smell the cinnamon and pine? Then that means…it’s Snow Time! 


Jolly Holly Day is celebrated across Once Upon a Time. It’s a day where we gather together, share stories about the things that fill us with gratitude and joy, and take part in many amazing festive traditions. 


But first! A little history lesson! Before every critter joined in on the Jolly Holly Day fun, the hedgehogs of the Folktale Forest created all of our merry traditions. They were passed down from hedgehog to hedgehog until all creatures in the land started celebrating the day. 


But we are extra lucky. Do you know why? Because we have one of the original keepers of these beloved rituals still living right here in the forest. 


He’s the coolest of the cool, the jolliest of the jolly, Reginald T. Hedgehog. In fact, right at this moment, he’s getting ready for the Grand Feast–the big finale feast that takes place during Jolly Holly season! 


Let's tune in to hear more while Reginald and his best friend Jonathan prepare for the party…


A magical twinkling sound. 


REDGE: Jonathan, have you seen my gold tinsel? I have to decorate my hedgehog spines! I get special tinsel just for the occasion and I can’t seem to find it. 


JONATHAN: I think it’s behind the Winterberry Bush! 


REDGE: Oh marvelous! 


JONATHAN: There’s so much to love about Jolly Holly Day, but I think the Winterberry Bush is one of my favorite traditions! 


REDGE: (Singing) Circle ‘round the Winterberry Bush, make a wish, then shake your tush!


JONATHAN: And if you do these simple things three–


REDGE: Your wish will come true, that’s a guarantee! 


Ok what did you wish for?


JONATHAN: You can’t share a wish, Redge! It’s bad luck! 


REDGE: Oh flither-flather. That’s a human superstition, Jonathan! Hedgehogs always share their wishes! It’s way more fun that way!


JONATHAN: What did you wish for? 


REDGE: I’m SO glad you asked!! I wished for clear skies and shooting stars at the Grand Feast this evening. 


JONATHAN: Excellent! I wished for extra delicious fruit pies at the Grand Feast this evening. 


REDGE: A perfect wish!


JONATHAN: You’re right, it IS fun to share your wishes!


REDGE: See?! Now, time to wrap the tinsel ‘round my spines! 


JONATHAN: I’ll be wearing my tinsel as a fancy scarf! 


REDGE: Oooo! Remarkable improvisation since you don’t have your own hedgehog spines. What color? 


JONATHAN: Red of course! 


REDGE: Of course! It is your favorite!


JONATHAN: How did the tinsel tradition start, Redge? I don’t think I ever asked you. 


REDGE: Ah yes! Well. You know how I love to have an outfit for everything? 


JONATHAN: Oh yeah. Like the time we were hanging out on the beach, and we were invited to go sailing but you had to go home first to put on your sailor’s outfit. 


REDGE: See? You get it. 


I’ve inherited my impeccable sense of style from my hedgehog ancestors. The Folktale Forest hedgehogs love to dress for the occasion! Once, during Jolly Holly season, my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great–


JONATHAN: Wow…that’s a lot of greats. 


REDGE: Great, great, great grandfather once saw tinsel on the ground next to a hovel while he was out for a walk. Now, most of us know that whoever had placed it there was about to use it to decorate their door. But my great, great, great—


JONATHAN: Uh…maybe just skip a few of the greats this time. 


REDGE: Right! Anyhow, my many times great grandfather saw a FASHION OPPORTUNITY! And he passed that sense of style down through all of the hedgehog families! 


JONATHAN: Wow! And now it’s caught on with humans like me!


REDGE: We are trendsetters, it’s true. 


JONATHAN: Here let me help you straighten out this bit of tinsel. 


REDGE: Oh thank you, Jonathan! We have to look our best for the Grand Feast! 


JONATHAN: There! You’re all set! 


REDGE: Weee! Shall we begin our stroll then? 




A magical twinkling sound. The instrumental of Jolly Holly Day plays quietly in the background. 


JACK FROST: Ahh the tinsel. An honored hedgehog tradition for Jolly Holly Day. Personally, I prefer glittery white tinsel. I wrap it right around my head like a hat!


Anywho, the stroll to the Grand Feast is always quite the parade. Everyone is out and about, with flags and ribbons and parasols. If you don’t know what a parasol is, it’s like a very fancy umbrella, but for this occasion, the folk decorate them to make them EVEN FANCIER. 


And most importantly for one Reginald T. Hedgehog, everyone in the parade is carrying baskets full of holiday snacks. 


REDGE: Time for the Jolly Holly Parasol Parade! 


JONATHAN: Look at Granny and Little Red’s parasol! 


REDGE: Is that them on top of the parasol made out of fabric? A picture of Little Red carrying a basket and both of them skipping arm-in-arm? 


JONATHAN: Isn’t it awesome?!


REDGE: The most awesome! All the red ribbons hanging from the sides of the parasol are lovely. They match Little Red’s riding hood! 


JONATHAN: It’s perfect! And festive! 


REDGE: Ooo look, Lugo the bat has a big bow tie made from purple tinsel. Brilliant! 


JONATHAN: And Shrimp the Seagull–


REDGE: Our Poet Laureate! 


JONATHAN: Yes! Poet Laureate Shrimp is flying with his bird buddies. They’re carrying old tin cans and kites made from recycled trash! 


REDGE: We encourage creativity AND recycling on Jolly Holly Day! 


JONATHAN: And year-round! 


REDGE: (Sniffing) Do you smell that? 




REDGE: It smells like apple pie! The cinnamon! The nutmeg! The golden baked crust! 


JONATHAN: Good nose, Redge! That’s what I have in my food basket for the Grand Feast! 




JONATHAN: I grew up having apple pie during this time of the year. There’s a big apple tree in our yard that my grandparents planted for me to celebrate my birth. We call it the “Jonathan Apple Tree” and, when I was young, my dad and I took a picture next to it every year so we could mark how the apple tree and I had grown. That’s how we get our apples for the pies! 


REDGE: What an HONOR! To have a tree in your name. You’re living the dream, mate! 


JONATHAN: I agree. Oh! Look! The Branch Sisters are up in that tree! 


REDGE: THE BRANCH SISTERS! Oh my goodness. How does my tinsel look? 


JONATHAN: It looks perfect!


REDGE: Oh good, I can’t embarrass myself in front of the most famous band in the Folktale Forest! 


JONATHAN: Look at their parasols. One covered in colorful autumn leaves…


REDGE: One looks like a hanging willow tree!


JONATHAN: And the third one is covered in little grape vines.


REDGE: Everyone is definitely in the Jolly Holly spirit today! 


JONATHAN: Do you like seeing all of your hedgehog traditions spread across the land? 


REDGE: OH DO I EVER! Jolly Holly Day has always been about coming together and sharing joy! I’m so happy it’s become a special day for us all! 


A magical twinkling sound. 


JACK FROST: Oh ho ho! And a special day it is indeed, as we share our wishes ‘round the Winterberry Bush. March in the Jolly Holly Parasol Parade. Chill with old friends by the fire! Break the ice with new friends, merrily meeting amazing folks for the first time! The best of the best. 


We’re really skating through the evening, but never fear! We’ve got more wonderful events ahead of us. Now that all of our forest friends have arrived at the table set for the Grand Feast, it’s time for the opening speech. Each year, Reginald gives a tinsel-tingling speech before snacking begins. Let’s once again, listen in…


A magical twinkling sound. 


REDGE: Fair Forest Folk and Festive Friends! 


Welcome to the greatest feast of the year! Which, as you all know, is REALLY saying something. Because we love to feast in the Folktale Forest. We have a feast when a new shop opens. We have one when it’s someone’s birthday. We have one when someone finds a really beautiful pine cone on the ground…


(Sighs) I love our feasts. 


But today is the feast-iest of all feasts, it is our grandest, outstanding-est, festive festival of fun! With all of us together, the stars sparkling overhead–OH LOOK! A SHOOTING STAR! I WISHED FOR THAT!


Ahem. As I was saying, I feel the utmost certainty that a wonderful year lies ahead when I see all of us gathered together. With our friendship, joy, and hope filling the air, it truly seems as if there’s nothing we can’t do. I have loved adventuring with all of you, sharing stories with you, and doing all sorts of super radical hedgehog stuff with you too. Normally I say this about myself but… the truth is that you all are the coolest cats in town. 


And the coolest hedgehogs, humans, ducks, bats, dogs…let’s just say the coolest critters of them all!


So with that, I won’t keep you from your delectable treats any longer. I will just say the traditional phrase and the feast can commence. 


The Grand Feast food cannot be beat! 

So let’s all sit and eat, eat, eat! 


A magical twinkling sound. 


JACK FROST: What a wonderful, beautiful speech. That really melted my cold, cold heart…which is just…cold because…well…I’m Jack Frost. I’m the creator of snow, you know? Everything around me is cold! (Chuckles)


Now I’ve got to let you in on a pretty cool secret: Redge wasn’t just speaking to his friends around the table with his speech. He was also talking to YOU, dear listeners! All of us in the Folktale Forest have loved sharing stories with you and going on magical adventures all year long. And we can’t wait for another year filled with more incredible journeys ahead. 


Don’t worry yourself into a snow flurry! Jolly Holly Day isn’t over yet. As the Grand Feast draws to a close and everyone has had their fill, Reginald leads the gathered guests in the Jolly Holly Go Around. The best way to understand the Jolly Holly Go Around is to observe it in real time. So let’s tune in to hear what our Folktale Forest friends have to say…


A magical twinkling sound. 


JONATHAN: Did everyone enjoy their dinners? 


REDGE: Your apple pie was delicious! 


JONATHAN: Hmm..I actually don’t think that one got passed around, Redge…I wonder why…


REDGE: (Hiccups) Teehee!


JONATHAN: Well now that we’ve all eaten our meals, it’s time for the Jolly Holly Go Around! 


REDGE: That’s right! Where we all share our most joyful moments and the things we’re most grateful for! 


JONATHAN: I’ll start! I’m grateful for my best friend Redge, and all of the fun things we get to experience together! And for my family and friends who make life magical.


REDGE: Ooo! Me next, me next! My Jolly Holly is you Jonathan, of course. Thank you for truly seeing me and encouraging me to be myself. 


JONATHAN: A cool and stylish AND talented hedgehog! 


REDGE: Aw shucks. 


Ok now…Lugo the bat! 


LUGO: My Jolly Holly is that I found a cozy cave to call my own this year. It’s a wonderful place to…hang out. 


JONATHAN: And what about you, Big Bad! 


BIG BAD: This year, I really learned how to let my true howl ring out, and to not be afraid to try new things! ARROOOOOOO! 


GRANNY: I’ll go next! 


JONATHAN: Let’s hear it Granny!


GRANNY: My Jolly Holly is baking with my granddaughter, Little Red. 


LITTLE RED: Tra la la, tra la la! What a big heart you have, Granny! 


REDGE: And resident hedge witch Zinnia Fig- what’s your Jolly Holly? 


ZINNIA: Oohh, my Jolly Holly is watching all of Once Upon a Time’s bushes and trees, and flowers and leaves bloom and grow! 


JONATHAN: That’s a great one too! Okay, let’s see who’s next…


A magical twinkling sound. The instrumental of Jolly Holly Day plays quietly in the background. 


JACK FROST: My Jolly Holly for the year is that I got to host Snow Time!, a Jolly Holly Holiday Special, and spend this quality time with all of you. I want to invite you all to take a moment right now to think of your own Jolly Hollys and share them with your friends and family. Here! I’ll give you some time to do just that, while we listen to the Branch Sisters serenade us with a verse of their famous tune, Jolly Holly Hedgehog Holiday! 


Jolly Holly Hedgehog Holiday with the lyrics plays 


Did you all share your Jolly Hollys? Excellent! 


Now that we’ve feasted, paraded, and shared our gratitude, all that’s left to do is head back to our hovels and fall asleep by the fire. Thank you all for joining me this evening for this delightful occasion. I hope you dream of beautiful snowflakes and snow friends coming to life and singing songs, or of sledding down icy slopes. OR! Dream of making the perfect mug of hot chocolate. Yum. 


Before the Fairy of the Evening Star comes by to sprinkle stardust on your doors and we send you off to a land of dreams, let’s check in one last time with Reginald and his best friend Jonathan. I think that will be the perfect way to close out this holiday celebration, don’t you? 


A magical twinkling sound.


REDGE: I had no idea you could dance like that Jonathan! What were those fancy moves?  


JONATHAN: The shopping cart move? 


REDGE: No the other one!


JONATHAN: Oh the sprinkler! 


REDGE: Yes! You’ll have to teach me that one. 


JONATHAN: You got it. 


REDGE: What a magical night! 


JONATHAN: I agree! 


REDGE: Feasting and dancing! 


JONATHAN: So much to be thankful for! 


REDGE: Aw. I feel a little blue all of a sudden. 


JONATHAN: Why Redge? 


REDGE: Well…it’s over. And I have to wait until next year. 


JONATHAN: Oh don’t worry friend! Remember, Jolly Holly Day is here to remind us of all of the amazing and fun things we’ve gotten to do over the entire year! There is no shortage of adventures to be had! Remember when we went into the den of a ghost pirate? 


REDGE: You’re right! And we helped Sherlock Nettlsebee solve a case! 


JONATHAN: Yes! There was also that time we went to Once Upon a Con and you wore the best dragon cosplay! 


REDGE: That was when we learned all about Nichelle Nichols! 


JONATHAN: A true hero of history! 


REDGE: You’re right, Jonathan! Jolly Holly Day may be coming to a close, but there’s so much to look forward to! I mean…think of all the new snacks we’ll get to try! 


JONATHAN: That’s the spirit!


REDGE: OH! And all the new outfits! And you’re going to teach me your dance moves, we’ve already discussed that. There will be so many cool dreams! And


JONATHAN: I can’t wait, my friend. I can’t wait. 


One last magical twinkle


JACK FROST: From all of us here in the land of Once Upon a Time, happy Jolly Holly Day to one and all! 



JONATHAN CORMUR: Hey listeners, what would you create for the Jolly Holly Parasol Parade? Download the coloring page and decorate your parasol, or fancy umbrella, and have your grownup email it to us at A link to the color page is in our show notes.


JONATHAN CORMUR: This has been a Jonincharacter production. Today’s story was written and produced by Molly Murphy. Special thanks to Kyle Elliot who voiced the character Jack Frost. All other characters were performed by Jonathan Cormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings. Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!


THEME SONG: So gather your squad for all to see. It's a universe that we've imagined. There's twists and turns and lessons learned. This is where the unexpected happens. Join our humble hosts and hit the trails of the wonderful, wacky, wild world of Dorktales.


© 2023 Dorktales Storytime 




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