Dorktales Storytime

The Gingerfriend Man

Jonathan Cormur Season 4 Episode 81

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Poor Redge! His dreams of putting on the Bards and Balladeers winter play are doomed. The Fun Funk has set in throughout the Folktale Forest and no one has signed up to audition. In dashes Albert Spice whose cookie-fueled enthusiasm is sure to lift spirits and ignite everyone’s joy of performance and camaraderie. It’s a race against time to turn around the low turnout. Can he run and run as fast as he can to save the play? Of course, he can, he’s the Gingerbread Man!

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GRAB YOUR FREE PDF LIST of conversation questions for this episode:

PARENTS, TEACHERS AND HOMESCHOOLERS: This reimagined tale about the Gingerbread Man serves up valuable lessons for kids, weaving in themes of courage, friendship, embracing one’s own imperfections, and the joy of sharing passions with others. (Aligns with CASEL Social and Emotional learning framework for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills and responsible decision-making.)

IF YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY, you may also enjoy, episode 24, Merry Band of Bremen, where 5 unlikely friends band together on an a cappella plan that turns the townspeople into their most devoted fans: 

CREDITS: This episode has been a Jonincharacter production. Today’s story was written and produced by Molly Murphy and performed by Jonathan Cormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studio Recordings.

Make sure that you listen after the credits for a special message from Mr. Redge then text us 👍 if you want to send a comment. Grownups, no one at Dorktales can see your name or number so it's a safe way to send us a message.

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Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!

JONATHAN CORMUR: Hello Dork Squad. I'm Jonathan Cormur and you're listening to Dorktales Storytime, the podcast for kids and their pop culture-loving grown-ups.


THEME SONG: It's a beautiful day for a story, adventure and glory, new friends and old ones too. It's an excellent day to get swept away in a tail, so let us regale you.


(The sounds of a small crowd start the episode)


REDGE: Just one moment, please! We will get to all of you! I pinky promise! 


JONATHAN: Hi Redge! 


REDGE: Oh! Jonathan! Wonderful! Are you here to help? Please tell me you’re here to help.


JONATHAN: Sure thing! 


REDGE: Oh excellent! I’ll just get you set up right over there next to Isabella the Bear–


JONATHAN: Hi, Isabella! 


REDGE: This is no time for hellos, Jonathan! We have a line to attend to! 


JONATHAN: Oops, my bad, sorry Redge! 


REDGE: Okay, you can take this list–


JONATHAN: Got it! 


REDDGE: And this pen–


JONATHAN: Oo! Cool pen! It looks like a feather quill! 


REDGE: –and we will get you a badge over here…now where did those go–(calling out) can someone get Jonathan a badge, please?! 




REDGE: Don’t worry Jonathan, we’ll get you a badge in no time. 


JONATHAN: But…what am I helping with? 


REDGE: Goodness! I’ve totally forgotten myself. It’s just been so busy here. 


JONATHAN: I actually saw this line over by my house earlier! Everyone looked so excited. Big Bad was practically howling. 


REDGE: I know! Isn’t it wonderful? 

JONATHAN: I wanted to figure out what was going on so I followed the crowd right to the door. 


REDGE: Isabella can take over our sign-up table for a moment. Come here and let me tell you the story!


JONATHAN: Sign-ups? Now I’m very curious!


REDGE: Well, you know how I’m the leader of a little organization called the Folktale Forest Bards and Balladeers? 


JONATHAN: Of course! 


REDGE: We like to put on a performance during the Jolly Holly Season every year. 


JONATHAN: Oh I remember. Last year it was “The Bards and Balladeers Present: Poetry by the Pond: A Particularly Peaceful Presentation for Pals to Partake In Poetically”. 


REDGE: That’s right!  


JONATHAN: I still think you could have shortened the title of that one…


REDGE: Do you remember ‘Twas a Night Most Jolly Holly’? That was my favorite one to perform with all of these friends. 


JONATHAN: I agree! 


REDGE: I don’t know if you heard, but we’re putting on a play this year! 


JONATHAN: Really?! That’s so exciting! 


REDGE: I thought so! 


JONATHAN: What’s the play? 


REDGE: “A Midwinter’s Day Dream”, by Quilliam Shakespeare– the most storied and revered hedgehog bard in history. 


JONATHAN: I’m so happy you had so many people interested in joining in!


REDGE: Well that’s just the thing…we didn’t have anyone interested. 


JONATHAN: But the crowd! 


REDGE: This is all thanks to Albert Spice!  


JONATHAN: Albert Spice? 


REDGE: Yes! Albert Spice, or Al Spice to his friends. 




REDGE: Oh! You know what? You may know him as the Gingerbread Man! 


JONATHAN: The Gingerbread Man?! He’s real?! 


REDGE: Oh yes of course! He’s very real indeed. 


JONATHAN: How have I not met him before? 


REDGE: He zips around so fast you probably missed him!




REDGE: He’s powered by his great enthusiasm and zest for life! And magic, of course.


JONATHAN: Of course! He sounds awesome. 


REDGE: He is! 


JONATHAN: When did Albert come to the Folktale Forest?


REDGE: Legend says that one day, Zinnia Fig, our local Hedge Witch, was mixing together spices and molasses and flour, singing a little tune–


(A magical twinkle sound) 



Oh in goes the cinnamon, ginger, and cloves

Molasses from the feet up to the nose

Icing smiles and gumdrop clothes

A dash of magic and off he goes


He runs and runs as fast as he can

To spread good cheer across the land

Everyone’s friend and biggest fan

That’s good ‘ol Al, the Gingerbread Man! 


(A magical twinkle sound, returning to the present) 


REDGE: Zinnia likes to make up little songs here and there while she’s baking with fresh ingredients from her magical gardens. She didn’t intend for her cookie to become a living thing but…her magic is just that powerful! 


JONATHAN: She is the greatest hedge witch in all the lands! 


(The sound of Zinnia’s echoing laughter in the distance)


REDGE: Anywho, I was here in the Pinecone Plaza– you know where the Bards and Balladeers hold most of their shows.


JONATHAN: Of course, of course. 


REDGE: And I was lamenting that no one was coming out to audition…


(The magical twinkle sound) 


REDGE: OH WOE IS ME! ALAS AND ALACK! What would Sir Quilliam Shakespeare think of me, unable to cast his very best work. I WILL NEVER RECOVER FROM THIS! 


ALBERT SPICE: Um, Redge? Is now a bad time? 


REDGE: Mr. Albert Spice! You startled me! 


ALBERT: Oh, you can call me Al! 


REDGE: Al, I’m so glad to see you! 


ALBERT: Sorry about startling you! I just sped right on up to your table.


REDGE: No bother at all, good friend. What brings you to Pinecone Plaza? 


ALBERT: I came here to audition for one of the fairies in the play–


REDGE: Oh you would make an excellent fairy!


ALBERT: I know, right?! But I’m surprised I don’t see many people here to sign up! 


REDGE: Oh Al. I don’t know what to do! This is the lowest turnout we’ve ever had for a Bards and Balladeers show. 


ALBERT: I wonder why no one is here…


REDGE: You know, Al. I think there are some critters here who are feeling low. 


ALBERT: Low on spirit?


REDGE: Yes! Isn’t it dreadful! I overheard my old bandmate, Tabitha the Cat, chatting about not feeling up for strumming her instruments. And the Big Bad Wolf was once again refusing to howl! 




REDGE: I’m sure there are others too. I don’t know if it’s the longer nights or the chilly air but… I think the Folktale Forest is in… a Fun Funk. 



REDGE: I know. Isn’t it the worst? And I don’t want to be the only excited one! It makes me feel too exposed! 


ALBERT: Oh no! 


REDGE: So I’ve refrained from shouting from the rooftops about how much I love this play and how much I want to make art with my friends.


ALBERT: Redge no! That’s so unlike you! You climb on top of your hovel and holler all the time! 


REDGE: (Sighs) It’s the Fun Funk. And now I fear I’ll have to close up shop and cancel the whole thing…


ALBERT: You know, sometimes it’s hard to show the world our enthusiasm and invite them to love what we love out loud! 


REDGE: You’re right about that one. 


ALBERT: Let me help you fight the Fun Funk, Redge! 


REDGE: Really? You would do that for me? 


ALBERT: Of course! I bet there are lots of folks out here who want to come and share their passion for performance with you! They just need a little help finding their courage. And I’m the cookie for the job!


REDGE: Oh, Albert! Thank you so much! But…will there be enough time?


ALBERT: Does a cookie crumble? Of course, there will be time! I’m as fast as they come!  


REDGE: Well alright! I’m feeling my excitement bubbling to the surface again! Weee! 


I will get things set up here. I hope we can get at least two or three more people to come join us on the stage! 


ALBERT: It’ll be a snap, a ginger snap! 


Now that we’ve got a foolproof plan,

I’ll run and run as fast as I can! 

And find the Quilliam Shakespeare fans,

Or my name’s not Al, the Gingerbread Man! 


(Cartoony sound of someone speeding off)


ALBERT: Hiya Tabitha! 


TABITHA: Ooooh! Al, where’d you come from? 


ALBERT: Oh here and there. I have a question for you if you’ve got the time! 


TABITHA: Ta, go on. 


ALBERT: Do you love music? 


TABITHA: Hmmmm. (very melancholy meow.)


ALBERT: You ok, friend?


TABITHA: I haven’t much felt like playing these days. 


ALBERT: I hear you, and that’s ok! But…


If playing your tunes is tops

But your doubt has made you stop

Here’s a little food for thought

We all love your songs a lot! 


(Albert sings the last line operatically)


TABITHA: (Giggling) Really? 


ALBERT: Really, really! You’ve got a forest full of friends who would jam with you any day. We don’t need to be perfect to jam. I mean look at me, I’m more an actor than a singer but sometimes you just GOTTA SING!


TABITHA:  I have been missing my guitar. 


ALBERT: Well Reginald T. Hedgehog has the opportunity for you! 


TABITHA: Purr… Redge is holding those auditions today, isn’t he? 


ALBERT: That’s right! 


TABITHA: I might head over there…and maybe I’ll invite our bandmate Lawrence the dog. He’s been feeling hang dog too. 


ALBERT: Making some art with friends is sure to help! 


TABITHA: Ta…we’ll do it! Tanks a million for hearing me out, Albert! You’re a legend! 


ALBERT: See ya there! Now…off to the next potential thespian! 


(Cartoony sound of someone speeding off)


ALBERT: Hello Floppy Loppy the bunny! 


FLOPPY: Oh! Albert! I didn’t see you there! 


ALBERT: Oops! Sorry for running up on you. Hey, question. Are you still dancing up a storm? 


FLOPPY: Oh sure. My sister Flippy and I dance sometimes. 


ALBERT: You want to try out for Redge’s big winter show? 


FLOPPY: I dunno…I’ve been feeling like I’m not good enough to dance these days…


ALBERT: I hear you Floppy! 


But there is nothing left to prove

Sometimes you’ve just got to groove! 


(A brief disco-sounding song comes in) 


FLOPPY: You’re a pretty good dancer, Albert! 


ALBERT: Why thank you! And I know you are too! 


FLOPPY: I’m not perfect…but I do have lots of fun. 


ALBERT: Sometimes fun and play and expressing yourself is what it’s all about! 


FLOPPY: You know what…I’m going to go find Flippy and go to those auditions. Why not? 


ALBERT: That’s the spirit! 


FLOPPY: Thanks for talking with me, Albert. 


ALBERT: Of course! 


(Now as if he’s giving a speech) 


To all my forest friends so great

Come join in, don’t hesitate

For together we’ll create

And our joy we’ll celebrate! 


(A magical twinkle sound, returning to the present) 


REDGE: Before I knew it, Al had led all of these folks back to the Plaza! Tabitha brought the entire Merry Band of Bremen to play in our orchestra! 


(The sound of an orchestra warming up) 


JONATHAN: They’re going to sound great! 


REDGE: Flippy and Floppy Loppy the bunnies came to choreograph the dream ballet sequences.


FLOPPY: A five, six, seven, eight! 


REDGE: Glimmer the Beaver, our forest architect, came to oversee the construction of the sets. 


(Some construction sounds)


REDGE: And so many more! Practically the entire forest! 


JONATHAN: That’s incredible, Redge! 


REDGE: He listened and offered understanding to all the Folk feeling the Fun Funk. And then he helped them find their courage! He reminded me that even though it’s scary sometimes, sharing our excitement and the things we love with others is worth it! 


JONATHAN: Brilliant! I’d love to meet Mr. Albert Spice someday. 


REDGE: Why not right now? He’s right over there! 




REDGE: Oh… I think he…ran…over there! 


JONATHAN: Where?!  


REDGE: Oh um…ok wait now I’ve lost him too…


ALBERT: I’m right here! 


REDGE: Oh! You startled me again! 


ALBERT: Sorry Redge! (Laughing sheepishly) I just can’t contain my excitement sometimes. The costume department gave me wings to try on for my role as a Great Winter Fairy.




ALBERT: Right?! Look at how they glow! 




ALBERT: I think the Fairy of the Evening Star enchanted them to shine like fireflies! 




JONATHAN: Those are beautiful! 


REDGE: Oh yes! Where are my manners? Jonathan, this is Albert Spice!


ALBERT: Well hello, Jonathan! 


JONATHAN: Nice to meet you, Albert! Thanks for helping out Redge today! I’m excited to dive in and join you all. 


REDGE: Perfect! 


ALBERT: Wonderful!


JONATHAN: Ready to report for duty at the sign-up table, Redge! 


REDGE: Would you like to come, Albert? 


ALBERT: Let’s do it! 






Sign up folks as fast as we can

So all can join our wonderland 

A play so fun filled with our fam

‘Ol Redge and John and the Gingerbread Man! 


JONATHAN CORMUR: I love telling stories for you! Thank you for visiting Dorktales land of Once Upon a Time. Before I go, I want to share Bearily Bear Stories, another podcast with modern fairy tale retellings. Give Bearily Bear Stories a listen.


JONATHAN CORMUR: This has been a Jonincharacter production. Today’s story was written and produced by Molly Murphy and performed by Jonathan Cormur. Sound recording and production by Jermaine Hamilton at Hamilton Studios. Reach out to us on Instagram or email us at Find links in the show notes or go to Now, go be the hero of your own story and we’ll see you next once-upon-a-time!


THEME SONG: So gather your squad for all to see. It's a universe that we've imagined. There's twists and turns and lessons learned. This is where the unexpected happens. Join our humble hosts and hit the trails of the wonderful, wacky, wild world of Dorktales.


© 2023 Dorktales Storytime 



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